'22-'24 Prison Outreach
On May 14, 2022 Stephany and Gerry launched a Christian Workshop as religious volunteers in a local state prison. The first night was blessed to see over 70 men eager to fellowship and study God's Word. The focus rotated quarterly using The Bible Project, The Chosen, Practicing the Way, and Alpha Resources to encourage and equip these men in this stage of their life.
04.23.2024 | Unforced Rhythms of Grace: Fasting
04.06.2024 | Unforced Rhythms of Grace: Community
03.23.2024 | Unforced Rhythms of Grace: Solitude
03.16.2024 | Unforced Rhythms of Grace: Scripture
03.02.2024 | Abridged Night of Worship and Teaching on Psalm 1
02.24.2024 | Unforced Rhythms of Grace: Prayer
02.10.2024 | Unforced Rhythms of Grace: 9 Practices For A Rule of Life
02.03.2024 | Bible Project Classroom: The Art of Biblical Words 5
01.06.2024 | Bible Project Classroom: The Art of Biblical Words 3/4
12.30.2023 | Bible Project Classroom: The Art of Biblical Words 1/2
12.23.2023 | Advent Christmas: A Night of Joy
12.16.2023 | Teaching: The Spirit Speaks through the Written Word 2
12.02.2023 | Alpha 14: Healing | Alpha 15: Church
11.25.2023 | Alpha 12: Evil and 13: Telling Others
11.18.2023 | Alpha 10: Guide and 11: New Life
11.11.2023 | Alpha: 7/8 and 9: Spirit
11.04.2023 | Alpha 5: Bible and 6: PrayerÂ
10.21.2023 | Alpha 3: Cross and 4: Faith
10.14.2023 | Alpha 2: Jesus
10.07.2023 | Alpha 1: Life
09.30.2023 | Teaching: The Spirit Speaks through the Written Word 1
09.02.2023 | Ever Wonder? Series
08.26.2023 | Chosen Season 3.8 Sustenance
08.12.2023 | Chosen Season 3.7 Ears to Hear
08.05.2023 | Chosen Season 3.6 Intensity in Tent City
07.29.2023 | Chosen Season 3.5 Clean, Part 2
07.15.2023 | Chosen Season 3.3: Physician, Heal Yourself and 4: Clean, Part 1
07.08.2023 | Chosen Season 3.2: Two by Two
07.01.2023 | Chosen Season 3.1: Homecoming
06.24.2023 | Teaching: Running from Your Life - Amazing Jonah #1
06.17.2023 | Chosen Season 2.8: Beyond Mountains
06.10.2023 | Chosen Season 2.6: Unlawful and 7: Reckoning
06.03.2023 | Chosen Season 2.5: Spirit
05.20.2023 | Chosen Season 2.4: The Perfect Opportunity
05.13.2023 | Chosen Season 2.3: Matthew 4:24
05.06.2023 | Chosen Season 2.2: I Saw You
04.29.2023 | Chosen Season 2.1: Thunder
04.15.2023 | The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible
04.08.2023 | Bible Project Spiritual Beings 7: New Humanity
02.04.2023 | Bible Project Spiritual Beings Q&R The Satan and Demons
01.21.2023 | Bible Project Spiritual Beings 6: The Satan and Demons
01.07.2023 | Bible Project Spiritual Beings 5: Angel of the Lord
12.22.2022 | Bible Project Spiritual Beings 4: Angels and Cherubim
12.03.2022 | Bible Project Spiritual Beings 2: Elohim and 3: The Divine Council
11.19.2022 | Conversation about "Elohim"
11.01.2022 | Night of Prayer, as music played, visited every inmate and sat with them, praying for them
10.22.2022 | Bible Project Spiritual Beings 1: Intro to Spiritual Beings
10.15.2022 | Recap from Leadership Institute 2022
09.24.2022 | Biblical Cosmology #5 Focusing on a tour of the cosmos, the waters above the waters, the land, and God as master water-tamer
09.10.2022 | Biblical Cosmology #4 Developed more understanding of our purpose as humans, specifically the design of Genesis 1-2
08.25.2022 | Biblical Cosmology #3 What was being created on Day 1, neighboring cosmologies
08.13.2022 | Workshop on the Lord's Prayer
07.23.2022 | Biblical Cosmology #2 How we approach the Bible, the Hebrew word for "earth" and the "raqia", the 3-tiered cosmos
07.09.2022 | Biblical Cosmology #1 The view of the universe, understanding of our cosmos, and conflicts with reading the Bible
06.25.2022 | Imagebearers #3 The original design for His creation
06.18.2022 | Imagebearers #2 The details and structure of the poem in Genesis 1:27, the "ezer-kenegdo"
05.28.2022 | Imagebearers #1 Genesis 1:27 and what it means to image God
05.14.2022 | Launch of the first Workshop we spent a brief time reflecting on Simon: from the call to follow Jesus on the shore, his struggles, his denial, his hesitation running to the empty tomb, his grappling with who Jesus was, his restoration back on the shore where Jesus first called him, his experience of forgiveness and his role in bearing the image of God